
How do i do a back walkover?

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hey! i cant do a backwalkover and i realli want 2 b able 2 do 1 ! lyk wen i go bac wit 1 leg i feel as if im goin 2 fall ! if der is ny ting dat wud help me get a backwalkover plzzz write back tanks a lot x x x




  1. Well if you can do a backbend you can probably do it.

    Practice it over somthing soft.

    Start with your good leg in front of you, then slowly star going over bring you legs over one at a time.

    It takes a little parctice

    hope this helps.:  :]

  2. You need to be able to bend your back quite well first and also it's harder if you're taller (like me!!) because you have further to get down. I learnt to do one off some youtube videos, so I would look on there if I was you.

    Good Luck :)

  3. First, you should be able to do a back bend kick over. To do that, start from standing and bend back into a bridge. When you're comfortable in a bridge, pick whichever leg feels more comfortable (generally right for righties and left for lefties) and kick it over, making sure you keep your arms tight and straight and push hard enough off of your bottom leg to get you over. Back walkovers are similar, but they are more fluid. Start w/ the leg you kick over slightly off the ground (you can bring it higher as you improve) make sure your arms are tight and straight. Bend backwards while lifting your leg higher and as your hands are touching your other leg should be pushing off the ground. Make sure to stay tight and keep your legs seperated and you should make it over just fine.

    If you still feel like your going to fall, do it on a crash mat or some other soft/squishy mat or ask someone you trust to spot you. Remember to keep your head with your arms so if you do fall you don't heart your neck.

    Good luck with your back walkovers :D

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