
How do i do a chargeback?

by  |  earlier

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I bought a dvd from an online store. they told me my card was declined several times, but they have charged me 4 times and sent me only 1 dvd.

i want to chargeback for the times they charged me. ive contacted them 4 times last week and got no reply. can i charge back all 3 at once or will i need to do them separately? im with halifax credit cards.




  1. Simply contact your credit card company that your credit card is with. They will send you a form to fill out and do a chargeback. The online store will have a certain number of days to respond. If they do not correct the problem, your credit card is credited.

    It is a shame that something this simple can be taken care of within 5 seconds by a merchant. I am sorry that people working at this company have no concern over you as their customer and I wish you the best of success.

  2. You should be able to do this easily if you paid by VISA or Mastercard. However, I have a Halifax account and a current claim and I haven’t heard anything for weeks about it. HSBC are much better, they reverse the amount straight away then do the investigation.

    Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act may be relevant. This protects UK consumers from breach of contract and misrepresentation.

  3. Call or pop in to your bank and explain the above. They will issue you with a customer dispute form, which will have to fill in with the details of the transaction and why you're disputing it. Once you've handed this back in to your branch (post or in person), they will then go through the standard procedure of recovering the funds. Takes around six weeks, depending on if the company disputes it. Customer always wins 9 times out of 10.

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