
How do i do my eyeliner like this

by  |  earlier

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  1. liquid. and you can't touch it no matter what. ... but.,.. why would you want something like that? i mean, it only covers up the way your eyes really look, and changes you and maybe not for the better.. becuase personally, i think this chick in the pic would look wayy better with just a tad bit, than a tad lot. So think about it.

  2. liquid eyeliner.

  3. From the start: Cover your eyelids lightly in cover up the natural discoloration there, then on the bottom rims of your eyes apply a regular pencil eyeliner, in black. Then on the rims of your eyelids use a liquid eyeliner in black and at the edge of your eyes flip the eyeliner up just a smidgen.  And to finish it off, take an angled eyeliner brush, brush it in some black eyeshadow and apply it along the lash line right above and slightly over the liquid eyeliner.                              

  4. oooh i wish i could help. hayden is so pretty :) shes my favorite actress!! but maybe some liquid eyeliner. just dont get it in your eye :(

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