
How do i do the pirouettes with the leg thing and go around multiple times?

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I really want to know, how do people do the pirouette with the leg thing, and what is it called?




  1. It is formally called a pirouette but most dancers just call it double turns and triple turns. It basically just takes a lot of practice and spotting (Spotting is when u look at some place in the mirror or on a wall and look at it whenever u turn but whip ur head around to give yourself more momentum). I am not sure if u r talking about a  fouetté rond de jambe en tournant where when u turn the leg goes out straight and wraps around. Hope it helped!

  2. you need a strong core so do alot of core work and also lots of squats to strengthen your legs and last of all lots of these : lifting up and down onto the balls of your feet continuesly whenever you can, this will give you super strong lower legs! i do it in shops,at work, at home, at school.. whenever! it helps. i took me about 3 months to be able to do a double pirouette and im working on a triple at the present.  

  3. I love to dance.

    competitive rocks! :)

    well, if you are talking about fouettes, this YouTube video completely explains them (better than i could typing it):

    Or Pirouettes:

    Good luck!

  4. I think ur talking about fuattes

  5. oh i like to dance. i can answer this one lol. ok to start, get a good stance, one leg behind the other. now bring your hands up in an L shape. start turning and bring your leg up bent to your knee. then, the secret is to spot. what that means is to wing your head around to a spot, say a wall or a door, and keep that spot, so just keep on spotting on that same spot and you'll find that you will be doing really well! now you also need a good supporting leg. just keep that leg really steady while you are spinning. i always use this trick and i am able to spin around at least 7 times now! (my dance teachers are impressed lol)

    hope i helped! = D

  6. First I think your asking about a "fouette" and it takes lots of practice to get them's how i do them.

    Start forth position do a pirouette to prepare plie on the bottom leg with the passe leg develope front with your arms in first position, releve on the bottom leg and rondejambe the develope leg to the side bringing the arms to second position, bring the leg to passe and the arms to first to continue to turn.

    here's a video:

    it also has an explanation

  7. I'm not sure what you are talking about, it's probably a tour or a fouette. A tour is when you have one of your legs straight out as you turn, at least 3 times around. A fouette is when you have one leg straight out, then you bring it in to posse' and then out again, etc. You need lots of dance experience to do it. Start with pirouettes and work your way there. I can't tell you exactly how to do it, you really just need a dance instructor to show you. Good luck!  

  8. it's called a fouette.:) you have to practice really hard though

    Our teacher gave us a technique that maybe can work for you too. Put one hand on the barre while facing front(the barre at your left/right) then fondu with one leg straight up in 90* angle then whip it to your side while turning. I know it may seem hard at first, but once you do it everyday, you'll be able to see the improvement in you fouttee's. Then when you get it right,try doing them at the center.:)

    Good Luck and keep practicing!!! :D

  9. Do you mean where you whip your leg out and around, rather than just a regular pirouette?  If so, it's called a pirouette foutté, which means 'whipped'.  I'm not sure if this will help--it's hard to explain without pictures or demonstrating...

    You tackle it just like a regular pirouette, but once you've turned about 300°, you extend the leg in retiré (i.e. the one that's bent with the toe in front of your supporting knee), bend your supporting knee, and use your arms and upper body to propel you around the second time.  

    It's important to have good 'core' strength, and have a good head spot or you'll get dizzy! :)  

    When you spot, look at the place where you'll extend your leg.

    If you practice doing just one, you'll find that you can do two after awhile, and then three and so on.  Once you've got the hang of it it's easy to sting them together.  

    Hope this helped!  Good luck!

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