
How do i dream of something i want to dream about?

by Guest60058  |  earlier

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for example if i want to dream about a kitten.

how do i dream about it?

please dont type in "think about it hard"

i already know that one but it never works.

and no, i dont want to dream about a kitten.




  1. if you wish to have a lucid dream there are two ways to do so.

    1. Trip on acid

    2. change your sleeping habits

    tripping, you prolly understand what i mean by this.

    changing your sleeping habits can cause a similar state to the acid trip.

    don't try either, both will cause pain in the end.

  2. Think about it hard!!

    haha sorry i just had to.

    Think about it before you sleep, think through whatever the thing is you want to dream about and play it out in your mind

    work yourself up a little about it

    then keep thinking about it

    no gaurantees but it usually works for me :)

    happy dreaming x

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