
How do i dress for High School?

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Im 14, and Starting school in a week. Im affraid that people will think i dress weird or call me a poser.In grade 8 i was one of the best dressed girls, and now in high schoool im scared this will change.

my style is really crazzy at times, LOTs of accesories, bright colours, and i also make lots of my jewlery out of toys i stole from my brother:D

but then at times if im late or something, and dont have time to get dresses, i end up dressing some what preppy.

how can i keep my style the same when im in a rush.

And how should i dress for high school. How do most people in High school dress???

Please Help!




  1. keep your style the same by choosing your outfits the night before school, so in the morning all you have to do is get dressed.

    For high school- why would you change your style? your style is pretty awesome right now from what I can tell, and you should wear what's comfortable and cool to you.

    And why would you want to dress how most people in high school dress? if you go to school in a super tight shirt with Abercrombie written all over it and a pair of denim shorts, you're certainly not going to stand out or even look so great. Wearing original jewelry? That will get you noticed.

  2. people spend too much time on what they wear to high school. i'm going to be a senior this year and honestly, i prefer jeans and a hoodie or sweats and hoodie from victoria's secret, or a sports store. just something comfy. have fun!

  3. you dont have to stick to one style...hahaha if you wanna be a mix of all of them, go ahead! nothing wrong with being unique

    to keep your style the same, first of all, choose ONE style, or maybe 2. only keep items of clothing that fit either one of those styles. keep your clothes organized. i organize my closet by

    fancy clothes > tanks > tees > long sleeved shirts > lounge clothes

    it makes it soooo much easier!

    only keep clothes youll wear...the rest is just taking up space. you could plan out your outfits for the whole week, or at least like 3 days every sunday. i always always do this and man it saves me so much time the night before and the morning of!!!

    most people in highschool dress more sophisticated than it sounds you do. sorry, dont mean that to sound harsh or anything! they usually shop at stores like: american eagle, hollister, abercrombie and fitch, aeropostale, forever 21, wetseal, pacsun, and etc...

    usually people tone down the amount of accesories they use (ofcourse, this all depends on who youre looking at!) and try to go for jsut looking more mature...afterall, youre growing up and in a few years youll be graduating! they try looking for clothes that make their body shape look as good as it can, buying clothes that flatter them....some people just go for the brand names and try to squish themselves into sizes that are too small for them. so its all really up in the air. everyone sort of has their own style nowadays so its kinda like anything goes. but id probaably stop wearing so amny sccesories and id stop stealing toys form my brother!


  5. Ah. Typical.

    Well, all you have to do is shop at A&F and Hollister.

    Buy tons of tees, hoodies, and jeans.

    You've got yourself an outfit!

    If you like being more eclectic like me, just be yourself and if people call you a poser who cares?! Just be who you are!

  6. Well, I just started high school about a week ago as a freshman, and I was kinda nervous at first too. But I just bought clothes that describes me. I bought preppy, bright, dark color clothes. I was affraid on where I would fit in. Like what click, but Im actually with almost every single click! Besides like the mean people or cholos, no affence. But yeah, just be yourself and everything will go smoothly. You will make lots of new friends from other junior highs. High school was scary the first day cuz I went to the wrong class twice! But everyone makes mistakes. People wont judge you by your style. They will just think you are very unnique and have all sorts of styles. Nobody will think you are weird. Trust me! Well I hope I helped. If you need any more questions about high school, just email me. My email is on my profile. Dont worry, everything will be fine! Hope I helped a BUNCH!!!

  7. just be yourself. dress comfortably. do what feels good to you. you have your own personal style. if you were best dressed in 8th grade, you probably have a cool style. so just go for it. do your thing. good luck!

  8. keep the same style if you think your going to run late wake up a little earlier. dress in what your comfortable in. i dont know how people from your school dress but wear something that says confidence on the first day then see what other people wear to know whats normal

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