
How do i eliminate pcos?

by  |  earlier

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hi i have been married and we have been trying for the past three years to get pregnant.i went to a doc and she said i have pcos.i was on clomid for the first time where i took 100mg and the still that didn't help i was regular before marriage nd now after marriage my periods are messed.please tell me some tips to eliminate pcos and get back my regular periods and also how can i get pregnant.

thankk you i wish every one tthealthyhy babies.......




  1. You can't cure PCOS  but you can manage it and in managing it reduce side effects and regulate periods.

    If you are overweight, losing weight may reduce some of the symptoms of PCOS. Increase your exercise and follow the correct PCOS low G.I diet.

    Choose nutritious, high-fiber carbohydrates instead of sugary carbohydrates.  Brown wholemeal bread instead of white bread etc.

    Balance carbohydrates with protein and healthy fats

    Eat small meals and snacks throughout the day instead of large meals

    I tried Clomid for 7 cycles and TTC for 3 1/2 years.  I've finally got my BFP this month so it can be done!  Keep up the hope!

    Good Luck with TTC xxxxxBaBy DuSt xxxxxx

  2. unfortunately, You cannot eliminate it but you can manage it by taking metformin (which you should be on, even if you are taking clomid) or switching to a low-carb diet and exercising or both. this will help bring your period back to normal and ovulating more frequently.

    Good luck.

  3. you cant eliminate pcos you can only do things to make the symptoms better you need to make a dr appt and ask about maybe a combination of clomid and metformin or just try met. i have pcos and met has gotten my period to be pretty normal it can also help you conceive because it is supposed to make you ovulate as well good luck and hopefully we will both have a BFP soon.♥BABY DUST TO U♥

  4. Unfortunately, you cannot eliminate it.

    You should be on Metformin with the Clomid to help you get pregnant.  Metformin lowers your insulin levels which are commonly high with PCOS.  This should help with your periods.

    Good luck.  

  5. You can't "eliminate" PCOS. There are way to manage it but it's not something that you cure or get rid of. If you are overweight try losing some weight. Try charting your BBT to see if you are ovulating.

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