
How do i encourage my 5 year old son to pee standing?

by  |  earlier

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I'm his father. He knows that boys stand, but pefers to sit. My brother said I should throw cheerios in the bowl and play hit the target with him. Any other ideas?




  1. thats a great idea playing target practice lol try to make little flushable targets and put them in the toilet bowl and let him aim away.

  2. my brother was 8 you have to show him and tell him he will be a big boy

  3. Personally I wouldn't make a big deal of it. He is only 5. My son wasn't comfortable with standing at first, but he gradually got over it. There are enough stigmas and problems with toileting as it is, I think this is a very small problem which may well resolve itself. Sometimes if you give them a hard time over things, it just makes them dig their heels in and refuse to try.

  4. My fiance and aunt swear by cheerios...  I have yet to hear any other trick... i know they make toilet targets, but they are MUcH more expensive than cheerios.

  5. There's no need to make him pee standing up this early. Wait a couple of years, until he has better coordination and will be less likely to pee outside of the toilet bowl. It's fine for him to pee sitting down for now.

  6. Cheerios in the toilet water is always a hit....but really, if you place too much attention on this matter it'll become a power struggle...instead...lead by example and let him see you pee standing'll come in son did the same until I asked daddy to keep the bathroom door open when he was going pee and soon enough my son followed suit.

  7. I wouldn't make a big deal about it.  He's only 5.  Pretty soon he'll be visiting nasty public toilets and will definitely want to stand, so he won't need any convincing.

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