
How do i entertain my bird?

by  |  earlier

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my cockatiel gets bored of his cage (which is pretty big for being an only bird) and i only have so much free time. What can i get/but/make for him to keep him occupied while im at school or have other things going on?




  1. I have used some string that is for making necklaces that frays on the ends and strung beads on it and hung it in my birds cage. I have many different ones, with different bead textures. Some are round, others square, some are like cheerios that have bumps on them. My bird also loves to shred paper so I use unprinted paper for the bottom of his cage that he can chew. I shred some of this paper for him as well before i throw it in there. Try switching up the toys as well. Leaving a radio on while your gone during the day can help too.

  2. Toys, music, television, or a playmate would be nice! I have two birds in separate cages and they sing to each other I also leave on the radio or the t.v. when I am gone. I also call them and talk to them on the answering machine if I am gone for a day or two!!!! They love beads and bells! Anything shinny works great for their chewing pleasure Good luck!

  3. Hang up things like little locker mirrors, strings, and baby rattles in his cage. Make sure he has plenty to eat & drink. But mostly make his cage more interesting for him and he will play with it.

    Or you could put one of those little battery operated plastic mice at the bottom lol that would be hilarious. Your bird would have a pet mouse! hah and follow him and peck at it, etc

  4. I have a cockatoo.  and to keep him busy we fill toilet paper rolls with peanuts and other bird goodies. and it keeps him pretty happy. also he really loves chewing up toothbrushes. just make sure you rinse it out so your bird doesnt eat toothpaste.

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