
How do i escape from prison?

by  |  earlier

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No, I am not in prison, nor have I ever been. I don't plan to go there as well. However, I'm thinking of writing a story which involves a prison break. Does anyone know of any inteligent ways to sneak out of or escape from prison?




  1. be at your best behavior and sign up for road work and when they take you out to clean the roads and stuff. find you way out but look out for the snipers !

  2. dig a tunnel

  3. m********e the prison guard. He would enjoy that... he may help you escape. With determination and hard work you can be successful at anything you put your mind to.  

  4. It depends on the prison. A plan to escape from one of the "Club Fed" places where they send white collar criminals would be a lot easier to come up with than one for a maximum security joint like Marion. What you need to do is decide what the guy (or gal, I suppose) in your story did to get sent to prison and what level of security  would be in effect at the prison. Then you can start to formulate an escape plan.


  5. Actually, the best way to escape from prison is to have someone on the outside. Prisons are usually designed more to keep people from leaving then to keep someone from entering. Have someone break into prison to get the prisoner out is probably the easiest way to do so.

  6. mentally manipulating a female prison guard into helping with said escape.

  7. Ask to see the public defender, when they take you, grab one of the sunsabiches and threaten to kill him.  Then head for the door.

  8. Shawshank Redemption. :)

  9. Ooh, use some hot salsa and a radio to corrode the bars on the windows...I saw it work on Myth-busters.

    But guards check the strength of the bars daily, so you'd need to create a prison that doesn't do that.

  10. Hide in the laundry truck. Always works.  

  11. I watched a program just last week about a San Francisco prison, where an inmate observed both during the day and night how large wolves and cyotes traveled and moved in and out a fence surrounding the prison. How they avoided lights shinning on them so as not to be seen or shot at, and how they avoided cutting them selves while ducking the wire.At the time of the escape the fences were not alarmed or electric just wire,fence and razor wire.He gathered only one tool, a wire cutter he fashioned from some tools in the carpenrty building,cut his way through, avoid the lights and avoided cutting himself to escape and managed to stay out 4 days before he was caught.

  12. your nuts if you are going to get that info here.

  13. Hi,Laundry Basket,from the Laundry where you work,or 'Textile's' where you also work,and you go into a box where the produce you're making goes,whether it be 'Donkey Jacket's or Sheet's/Mail Bag's/Uniforms'.Simply get packed in and put into Lorry,and it has been done...Paul...Coat hanger's were also used in getting Inmate's out of Barlinnie Prison in Glasgow,by wire over the wall,secured,bars taken care of,and down they slid,3 of them...Research and you'l find out more.Even just do your time,but write about your 'time there'.

  14. Watch "Romanzo criminale". One guy gets out of prison by injecting himself with AIDS infected blood, but this all depends on legislature.  

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