
How do i escape from the military if i am drafted by saying i have health issues if i dont have any?

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i was drafted to enter the military and i do not want to enter. it's not a matter of patriotism. i am healthy but i do not want to waste my life there. i need a way to escape it. Faking blood tests or anything. Help me?




  1. Near military like scenario?  You're going to have to do better than that.  If you are not willing to fight for your home then you don't deserve it and you will loose it, especially if everybody else thinks like you.  If you are being recruited by some rogue rebel force to act against your country then you need to get your government's military for protection.  If your government is attempting to recruit you and you are against your government then you need to seek political asylum outside your country.  If you're just a wimp, suck it up.  The experience will do you good.  If you're a conscientious objector, the military, if it is legitimate, usually takes that into consideration when making assignments.  We don't want somebody covering our backs that won't shoot.  

  2. What country are you from?  We haven't a draft in the US, so you will need specify.  All countries laws are different.  

  3. you can't, write a bad check or get caught in a drunken bar brawl or something and they will find you and put you in the brig. Some countries will execute draft dodgers on sight, perhaps a public hanging to make an example esp. during wartime.

    I would say step up and do your time. Your chances of getting shot by the enemy are less than getting caught by your own country. The only countries I know that have a "draft" are cuba, russia, north korea, north vietnam ect...(communist countries). You could try and defect, but don't try going back for your family or communicate with them in any way. Some countries return defectors and people are finding out that Canada is starting to. Don't fool or lie to yourself, because it does matter where you live.

    If it's concerning a dictatorship that you are trying to avoid, or an unrecognized international rogue war lord, than you could try and go to the nearest free world embassy and seek asylum. Everybody under warlords or international dictators or communist rule that deserve/desire freedom should be given the chance and opportunity, but they like all the rest have to stand up and fight for their own or continue to be slaughtered like sheep. This is what America did over 200 yrs ago, even though the sacrifice was beyond comprehension. Best of luck.

  4. Where do you live?  You can't fake blood test.  

    Maybe if you ask your question honestly instead of hiding info you could get help.  If you are that much of a coward though I guess they will weed you out anyways so no worries.

  5. you are from zimbobwae aren't you!?

  6. the military in the u.s. doesn't draft anymore... where do u live?

  7. Give your drill Sergeant a b**** j**, and get kicked out for being g*y.

  8. Stop being a coward. If you fake your blood test to get diabetes, enjoy getting your finger pricked every day the rest of your life.

  9. What country are you from?  The draft hasn't been in the US since the 70s.

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