
How do i escape national service if i am drafted?

by  |  earlier

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can somebody tell me how?




  1. Easy move your *** to another country.  

  2. cut off your hand.

  3. I honestly wouldn't know what to tell you. Maybe tearing your ACL but don't do that it'll just get you tons of medical i think.

    Well on a light note, there hasn't been a drafting of civilians in a long time, correct me if I'm wrong (which i am) I think since the 70s?

    I don't think there's going to be another drafting anytime soon. So just relax and do what you have to do.  

  4. Basically you don't.  You haven't mentioned what country you're from and I have to assume that you're not in the US as we don't have a draft; our military has been an all-volunteer force for over 30 years.  

    In countries with a draft (most of Europe for example) if you are not suitable for military service for any reason you will have to serve in some civilian capacity of "national service" as it's sometimes referred to.  About the only way out of that is to prove extreme hardship.  Since you'd probably be paid for your service, it's not likely to succeed on purely economic merits.

  5. Well coward, i would say you go g*y or try and leave the country, not canada, that's where everybody gets caught, try new zeland, that's where i would go if i was a coward.  

  6. How many times are you going to ask this question?  Why not try suicide you will do the world a favor.

    Then tell the whole story.

  7. Well I suppose you could always plead family hardship or apply for consiencious objector or whatever your army has or...shucks there's always fleeing to Canada, Sweeden or some other country that praises neutrality and never fighting for anything.  Good luck to you and I hope you never have to fight for anything.

  8. Errm you can't. Try saying your a conciensious objector, could work but probobly won't.

    What country do you live in by the way?

  9. canada, mexico, once upon a time i think being in college kept you out, go off the radar, tell them you're racist or have some mental illness. Works for jury duty. Just walk in with a i hate ____ and put in jews or something. Tell em "i'm not here for ideological reasons, i'll kill whoever you want as long as i get paid."

    "I told you to tell them you were in sanitation not a sanitarium." Tony Montana

    concientious objector or "flat feet" but you still have to serve in office duty or worse janitor, cook or something. Cook neato you think, try glorified mcdonalds mass production pot washer. trays of tater tots and vats of mashed potatoes.

    You don't sound like you're in America anyway, not sure of your loop holes. There's no draft for us and they pay decent. If you're struggling now you'll make enough to support them better in the army and you'll save on rent.  I was going to go just for a job that's why i said "I'm not here for ideological reasons. I'll kill whoever you want so long as i get paid." Think they'll let me in? Are they that desperate?

  10. First, your not the only one that a draft has cause hardship on. So man up and serve your country if told to. You like living here right? Then give back, nobody feels sorry for you except yourself with this poor excuse your giving everybody.

    I like what the other responder said- If you want to avoid the draft go back to your own country, COWARD.

  11. Well first of all you have to tell us what country you are in, or what country 'drafted' you.

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