
How do i exspounge a criminal charge which took place in wayne county 7 years ago?

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I am graduating nusing school now and need to clear it off my record for fear it will keep me from getting a job




  1. I did the same thing as a CNA in Michigan and I had an assault and battery and it was like 25 years ago from the time I I had to get a lawyer and he set it up with the Prosecuting attorney and the judge and it cost $ 500 for the lawyer..and your record has to be clean except for the one criminal may take awhile if the court docket is clear..mine was in Monroe County...

    I volunteered to be a health provider to get experience but the

    assault charge was from 1978..and it takes a few months for them to get the paper work..the court house had burnt down and they had to get some records check  and this is done manually and its time consuming..good luck..there are plenty of CNA jobs out there

  2. if its a felony,that's gonna be a tough one. a misdemeanor,you have to petition the court in the town you were convicted. call the court clerk to find out how.

  3. Wayne County Michigan?? Well, after 5 years you can expunge in this state.  Contact a lawyer and he will start the process.  However, for expungement, you can only have one felony.

  4. felony

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