
How do i extend the exposure time on my camera?

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Its a Fujifilm Finepix Z20fd. I've been trying to draw graffiti pictures with my laser pointer and my camera, but my friend told me to make my exposure time longer to make bigger pictures and more effective. Is there any way i can do this?




  1. You've got the wrong camera for the job.   Your camera will only take pictures up to three seconds long.  You're going to have to either take multiple pictures and put them together with software, or get a camera that takes longer exposures.  My F10 will do up to 15 seconds.  There are compact digital cameras that will do up to 60 seconds.  

  2. Your friend is only half right, a longer shutter speed/exposure does not make a picture bigger, but instead lets in more light because the shutter is kept open for a longer period of time.

    Judging by the model of your point and shoot, it is obvious that it is not suitable for the subject you're taking pictures of. Since it is a point and shoot, it offers zero manual control over your exposure. Instead, get a higher end compact that allows you to fiddle around with these settings. A good camera is the Canon G9, it offers unrivaled jpeg quality for non-dslr cameras. Most importantly, it offers full manual control over your exposure. I suggest setting the aperture at the smallest(f8) to allow slower shutter speeds.

    Better yet, get a SLR camera that features a 'b' mode. In this mode, the shutter is kept open as long as your finger remains pressed on the shutter button. Slrs may be bulky and unwieldy to carry around, however, especially when you're carrying extra lens.

      You may want to refer to this site for more camera-related information:

  3. Well your friend is wrong, and you cant do it on a point and shoot camera. it will not make bigger photos and will not make them more effective.  all it will do is expose the sensor (equivalent to the film) to light for longer meaning more light will enter the camera. if you want a longer exposure time you need a dslr and go on Shutter Priority sometimes called Tv and stop the aperture down (large number) and go for it you need to practice getting the shutter speed right or all you will get is a white mass of light.  best of luck (tip: for even more control go on manual mode or M)

    best of luck

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