
How do i fight this feeling of...?

by  |  earlier

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How do i fight the feeling of misogyny. my wife was not only very emotionally abusive throughout our very short 1 year marriage, but she was also having affairs. in addition to that, on our one year wedding anniversary she was with another guy. the same guy she ended up leaving me for. when we were having problems i tried to change everythign about me, once i changed one thing there was something else she said to change. i gave it my all. i even took on 3 jobs to support her because she didnt want to work anymore. it was also to support our child. and this is how i got repaid. so now i have this feeling of misogyny and i dont know how to change it. its not the hatred as much as it is the mistrust in general. how do i change this




  1. The who you are now is not the who you were or want to be and her s******g around with your mind hasn't helped.

    Put it down to experience and then get over it and start tomorrow as if it is the first day of the rest of your life.

    I have a buddy who helps people work through issues like this and you can find his courses below.  

  2. OMG what a *****. She is the kind of women that makes a good guy like you turn in to a complete a*****e. This reminds me of a relationship I was in, and this guy did absolutely everything for me. If I said jump, he would ask how high. Eventually nothing he did for me was enough. Luckily for him, I ended the relationship in stead of staying on. It's just that if a guy fulfills every single need that a women thinks of (certainly your ex) she will demand more. Just to see if she

    Please believe that there a good women that are worth your trust and love. In a next relationship, set your boundaries from the beginning. And don't let yourself get walked all over.

    It may take a while to recover from this relationship and I think you should consider a time out. But please take from me (who can be a REAL *****) that all women do have a soft side.

    Its just that somehow a man that doesn't appear to be a softie often is much more appealing to women. You can be a softie, but not straight from the beginning. Women also want a hunt once in a while and it is much more challenging to find out that a person has a soft side which is just for her.

    Just act cool and start doing things that you have probably given up on because she found them stupid. She certainly tried to crush your ego by telling you what a 'real man' should be like. She is probably looking for a macho a*****e which will start abusing her after a while.

    Good luck and you will get over this and find a nice partner. I am sure, because you really sound like a nice guy.


    Love from a ***** (which found her counterpart who shuts her up once in while.)

  3. Please get some therapy to help you deal with this loss and rejection.   Not all women are like this and you need to heal.   I'm not saying start dating or anything, but realize you are still hurt and need some time.

    Good luck.

  4. Give it time.  It sounds like this is still all pretty fresh to you.  Much of the pain will fade as you get further out of the relationship.

    The other thing you should do is don't beat yourself up over the mistrust issue.  Being wary isn't all that bad.  Being wary means that you don't go blindly into the same situation all over again.

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