
How do i find a doctor on line that will give medicine without a prescription.?

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How do i find a doctor on line that will give medicine without a prescription.?




  1. if you don't have a prescription for prescription medicine you need to get one. If you don't then you don't need the medicine. It's called prescription medicine 4 a reason.

  2. You can't. Because not only is it illegal, but the consequences if caught are incredibly tough.

    You not only get suspended from the GMC, and have your licencse taken away, but you also get a black mark on your medical record for the rest of your life.

    So, it generally won't happen.

  3. IF you do and IF it's a medicine requiring prescription, please forward that name on to the AMA and RUN as fast as you can to a reputable doctor or community health clinic and be seen and get the prescription you need, if so.

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