
How do i find a time of a persons birth?

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How do i find a time of a persons birth?




  1. Ask them?

  2. The short answer is you won't unless it is on the birth certificate and in most countries it is only put on the certificate where it is important. It is important if they are twins and irrelevant otherwise.

    Registration of births was primarily introduced for inheritance purposes and it still is used when proving relationships and age. In many jurisdictions the question of who is the oldest is important. If for instance two brothers and their parents die in a car crash and the order in which they died cannot be determined then it is held that the oldest died first - for twins we would therefore need a time of birth and so it would be recorded.

  3. you will have to ask the mother who gave birth or read the full copy of birth cert.

  4. Not recorded on birth certificates in UK. Also not recorded by registar of births in UK.

    You may have more luck with births outside the UK

  5. is this an astrology question for a chart or something. not sure is the answer. Its not recorded on a birth certificate so the information would either be in the hospital records/medical records, or passed down by word of mouth?

    Hope this helps

  6. Depends on where you were born, if you were born in England & Wales then the birth time is not recorded but I do belive that if you were born in Scotland than the time of birth isrecorded on the birth cirtificate.

    Hope this helps.

  7. clock

  8. Because of an old (perhaps law?) in will be noted on the birth certificate.  Thus, if twins were born, the eldest son would inherit...not the second born.  Usually done in the States, perhaps not elsewhere.

  9. It is certainly on MY birth certificate from Calif, and that is from 1949.  Cruel way to make me admit that <grin>  I can't say how far back that goes, I doubt that it would be on all old old birth certificates.  I have seen it noted in some old Bible records, but that is just random.  But it is standard on US certificates now.  A surprise to me that it isn't on UK certificates.  

    If you are asking if it can be found, online, regarding someone else.. no, it should not be.  Birth certs are confidential records (which is a gasp for genealogists).


  11. ask or idk??

  12. time of birth isno't normally recorded on a certificate except in the case of multiple births and not always then.

    If the person doesn't know it's possible that there might be hospital records.

  13. Your question came through to the genealogy forum.

    Like someone has already said, the only way to find out the exact time of birth is to ask the one person who was there , YOUR MUM, this information is not on the birth certificate for the UK for certain, and it's highly unlikely that the hospital will keep a record for than a couple of years at the most. If you are fortunate to have been born at  a hospital where they do keep the records in definitely, it will cost you to get them to find the information for you.

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