
How do i find an unknown father even if i know his name?

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How do i find an unknown father even if i know his name?




  1. Win the Lottery.

    He'll soon come crawling out from under his stone.

    Then can we see him on Jermy Kyle?  

  2. What do you mean by unknown if you know his name?

    Where did you meet him? did he live there?  how old was he?  Did he have any nicknames?

    If you can answer those question you can definitely find him. Either pay on-line or hire a private investigator. If you know his first and last name, where he previously lived and good age range such as 20-25yrs old and a nick name is not necessary but helpful in case you hire a PI they track him down quicker.  But even if you just have his name they should be able to help.  

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