
How do i find and use my 1.3 megapixel webcam by gateway?

by Guest45287  |  earlier

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i cant find where my webcam is at... and iv went to windows media center and found video saveings (sample) so i know its not theere.. i cant figure out if the webcam was only for my old version of windows (hope not) or im just so retarded that i cant find the stupid thing....please help me out here...give me all the info you got.. =D




  1. 1. Can you see the web cam in windows explorer?

    2. If you open up movie maker can you go to the file menu and go capture video. If the device is there we're in business. If not we'll have to install the drivers.

    Respond to those, and I'll help you from there on in. Email me if you need help.

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