
How do i find info on someone who died 2-3 yrs ago?

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  1. The first place I go is to:

    For the US: They have the master social security death list there. Sometimes it doesn't matter the age of the individual either. I've seen those that were young and not old enough to get social security.

    It also has international records.

    The next thing I do is go to and I put in the first and last name of the person along with the word obituary. This way, if the obit shows in other locations than where they died, you might find it.

    In addition, if you know the place of death, google the local newspapers as they sometimes archive their obituaries after a time and it won't show on a search unless you are on their website.

    Good luck

  2. It depends to some extent where in the world this person died. In most of North America, sometimes by law, an obituary is published. This is often an excellent source of information, listing the person's spouse and any children; siblings, living and dead; sometimes parents ... often providing lots of leads for further research. Typing my surname into google brings up, among lots of other data, a listing of 23 obituaries that contain at least one mention of my surname ... seven of the obituaries are actually members of my family who've died since 2000.

  3. Where in the world are you asking this question from.

  4. Go to the library and pull the obituary. There's also a service called that many newspapers use to archive their obituaries. It costs $2.95 to pull up an old obituary so you can read it.

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