
How do i find moms to be that are in search of adoptive parents?

by Guest60243  |  earlier

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I wonder how you can find a mom to be that wants to give up their child for adoption. Or is it just aloud to be chosen by the mother as the parents for her child? I am all new to that and not just considering adoption, i want to adopt. I know it will take a while and all that and probably cost a fortune but if anyone has any answers for me please tell me. I mean as a future adoptive mom i would like to know certain things about the birthmother too. Please help me with some answers. thanks





  1. nadine, if you are interested in adoption, please contact an agency or social services about foster care adoptions. any other means opens you,  the first mother and child up to many many issues.

    stick around on this site, i guarantee you'll see why i say this.

  2. The two simplest answers for you are

    1) contact your local Dept of Human Services, Children & Youth program to further discuss the option of foster/adoption programs.  These are children waiting in the system for permanent loving families.

    2) contact a local reputable adoption agency to learn more about the different types of adoption available and how they place children with adoptive parents.  It quite possibly will be dependent on the agency you speak to and/or your state's regulations.

    Other ideas are to do as much research as you can about adoption so that you fully understand the process and what your state law requires.  Many states have laws about how a bio family and adoptive family can find each other, so be sure to understand that before you consider "advertising" in the paper as I have seen others do.

    You may also want to speak to your family doctor and let them know you are considering adoption so that perhaps if they hear of someone who is interested in making an adoption plan for their child, they could contact you personally.  For us, we met our son's birth family through a friend who knew we were trying to conceive, and worked with someone who was looking to make an adoption plan for their child.  

    Good luck to you.

  3. you need to seriously read a h*ll of a lot more before you even *think* about adopting.

    it's very obvious you are not even wet behind the ears yet.

    please read nancy verrier, "primal wound", for starters.  you will see the damage that's done to adoptive children by separating them from their mothers.

  4. If you truly want to be a parent, you will open your heart to a child who REALLY, REALLY needs a parent.  Go to an agency that handles foster care adoptions.  The cost is very low, and you will be giving your home and love to a child who would not have these things under other circumstances.  I know you probably want to adopt a baby, but there ARE babies who are adopted through the system.   Please do not try to "find a birthmother."   This is not the ethical way to become an adoptive parent.

  5. internet research

  6. It's a common misconception that there are loads of mothers "who want to give their child up for adoption".

    There are very few women who WANT to have their child raised by strangers.  Just like few people WANT their house to go into foreclosure...

    They usually lack resources and support.  Why not have your own instead?

  7. Steps:

    -Research adoption and understand implications

    -Research where you are interested in and what ages.  Then find agencies/foster care(preferable) and research them, including costs, how they treat birth families, etc. etc.

    -Go through homestudy

    -They match you with a child

    Please do not try to adopt on your won without someone overseeing process, for your own safety (scammers) but also to not aid in child trafficking.

  8. Please do some more research.

    You will need to locate an agency or attorney that handles adoptions.  

    Please be open to the idea that this is not going to be easy, fast, or cheap.

    Don't listen to those that say foster children need parents more than those that are given up for adoption at birth.  If you want an older child, look into foster to adoption.  

    If you want an infant, you should be prepared to wait longer, but you shouldn't compromise what you want for expediency.  

    Remember, you will be responsible for raising this child for the rest of his/her life.

  9. Some reading for you, before you go down the adoption road:

    * "Being Adopted: The Lifelong Search for Self" by Brodzinsky, Schecter, and Henig

    * "Journey of the Adopted Self" by Betty Jean Lifton

    * "The Primal Wound" by Nancy Verrier

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