
How do i find my hamster?

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how do i find my hamster i have cats but they seemed 2 be afraid of her before shes pregnent also i cant find her shes been gone for 24 hours and last time it was 48. but last time i had little traps but now i just have little food sprinkled every were she might even be in the basement... PLEASE HELP ME!!




  1. dont panic she'll be around some where, just keep looking  

  2. 1) Pick one room in your house that you can search and be sure the hamster isn't there.  Search that room, if she isn't there, shut the cats in that room - cats will chase any small animal, and even if your cats don't, they will frighten her into hiding even more.

    2) What type of little traps did you use the last time?  If they worked (i.e. captured her successfully without harming her), set them again.  When a hamster got loose at my job, I caught it by putting some of its favorite foods in a bucket with a ramp leading up to it.  The hamster went in to eat and couldn't get back out.  If you have a large house and no idea where she is, set several of these in different areas.

    3)  Hamsters are active at night, so you will have the most luck finding her at night.  Stay up late, have the house quiet and dark (cats shut away!), and walk quietly from room to room, listening for her.  If she is tame, you may be able to just find her and pick her up if you are careful not to startle her.

    4) How far along is she in her pregnancy?  Any possibility that she may have had the babies somewhere in your house?  

  3. have no idea.. I have a jack Russell that would find it really quick...

  4. HAHA - in regards to the Jack Russell technique (: I also have a Jack

    Anyway - um, I'd leave out some food for her - she's probably actually finding a place to have her babies so there's plenty of places she could be. I'd look anywhere warm (behind the stove, behind the refrigerator, near your washer and dryer, by a water heater, under the couch)

    Think of places you'd be if you were a hampster

    Easy enough

  5. put its food dish, water, and nest box on the floor in a way it can go in but cant get out.

    Check out my hamster care site:



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