
How do i find out about planning permission on a piece of land?

by  |  earlier

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Hello, firstly please excuse my username, i signed up with yahoo around 8 years ago when i was a bit immature. Anyway i'm all grown up now and about to buy my first house. I've seen one that i really like and there is a plot of land next to it big enough for a house to be built on. I asked the estate agent what was happening with it and he said a woman owns it and she is trying to get planning permission to build on it but was struggling as there are a lot of residents overlooking this plot of land. I really like this house but i work nights and if she gets permission to build on it's gonna cause me problems with sleeping through the noise plus the value of the house that i buy may go down as the land really does make it appealing. What i want to ask is who could i contact to know whether or not she is likely to gain permission, and also what factors come into play when the counsil or whoever are deciding who can and can't have planning permission?

Thanks for your time.





  1. I don't know the full details but...If their is a shortage of property in the area of the type she want s to build that's in her favour. If their has previously been a permanent structure their it is also easier for permission. Any new build would have to be in keeping with surrounding properties. She may want permission because it will increase the sale value of the land alone and will appeal to a developer and lately they seem to be putting up 3 storey apartment blocks. Also though before permission will be given the council will put a notice in your local newspaper to allow for objections from local residents, so if your worried ask other neighbours if they object pointing out the negatives and put together a petition then send this to your local planning office. With enough objections that in its self should stop any build.

  2. check with your solicitor first and foremost as if you are in the process of buying the property,  the solicitors perform property searches on your behalf in order to safeguard you.  also check with the planning office re the likelyhood of a property being built as this will make your decision for you.  hope this helps.

  3. Yikes an estate agent admitted this,

    First of usually the local planning applications are advertised in the local paper.

    It may be possible that the local council web site shows these details also.

    If she has already applied then perhaps the neighbours would be aware of the application details.

    Have you already appointed a solcitor to act for you - not necessarily for this house, if so ask them.

    If you have not appointed a solicitor then do so asp and discuss with them.

    Does the woman own the land? or is she trying to buy with PP a condition of the sale. if so find the owner and you may be able to enquire about buying the land.

  4. start with the city and county codes offices.

  5. Just phone the planning department at the council, they will tell you about the pp application,should be able to give you the, you can look at the application at the offices and usually through the planning portal on the council website.

    Bear in mind anybody can apply for pp, regardless of whether they own the land or not. The planning dept can only deal with this application and will not (in most cases) guarantee that even if this application fails, that the land will never be built on. There is an appeals process it will depend how far she wants to go with this, but even if she gets outline pp and sells the land, the purchaser will then have to get detailed pp and the process will start again.

    Edit: Don't rely on your solicitor for this, they will charge you and you can do it easily and for free yourself! They would only check whether pp has been granted - not look in detail at the plans!........bit like an MOT, valid on the day!

  6. i think you have to speak to the local council about planning permission.

    if your in the uk go to


    or just google 'planning permission' and see what comes up.

    good luck :)

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