
How do i find out how much my bike weighs?

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do i use a bathroom scale? do i go to the local bike store?

if i go to a local bike store will they charge a small fee just for weighing it??

i just need an effective method

oh and btw, its a bmx bike




  1. stand on a scales ,weigh your self then pick up the bike and stand on the scales again ,take the first weight from the second and hey presto the answer is the weight of your bike

  2. stand on the bathroom scale with it. subtract your own weight. why do you care?

  3. Get on a bathroom scale just yourself. Write down how much you weigh. Pick up your bike and get on the scale again. Write down how much you and the bike weigh. Subtract 1st number from 2nd number, that is how much your bike weighs.  

  4. Bath room scales can be as high as 5 pounds off. Take it to your nearest bike shop when they're not busy. Ask them in a super nice manner if they'll weigh it for you.

  5. Can you lift it? Just weigh yourself, then pick up the bike and weigh yourself holding it. Subtract the 2nd weight from the first for the weight of the bike.  

  6. Go online to the mfg. webside.  They'll give the specs

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