
How do i find out if i have enough native american blood to go to college?

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How do i find out if i have enough native american blood to go to college?




  1. you have to go to sacramento or another place where they give you a test and if your over 8% you apply for it but i think you should have an older relative do it so it will go through to the family.

  2. You do. Trust me. Anyone with 0 to 100 percent Native American blood can go to college. So can anyone with Huguenot, Hmong, Hispanic or Hibernian blood. Black, White or Brown; rich or poor, Christian or Jew (or Atheist). Since 1963 it has been illegal to bar people from education on the basis of race, religion etc.

    Some of the more enlightened institutions - UC Berkeley, for instance, the finest public university in the USA, although their football team sucks - were letting people of all races early as the 1890's.

    You'd have to ask the BIA about a scholarship, if that was your question. It would be cheaper to live at home and go to a junior college for your first two years, if your town has one. (And you live near a town.)

    Study hard, follow your dreams and best wishes!

  3. Contact the BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs).

  4. Higher education funding opportunities for American Indians are reserved for ENROLLED MEMBERS/CITIZENS of US Federally Recognized Tribes. Your heritage does not qualify you for anything but your citizenship in a Tribe can.

    According to the Bureau of Indian Education:

    A student must: Be a member of, or at least one-quarter degree Indian blood descendant of a member of an American Indian tribe who are eligible for the special programs and services provided by the United States through the Bureau of Indian Affairs to Indians because of their status as Indians.

    If you are enrolled (or become enrolled) funding would come from your tribe of enrollment, not the US Government. Tribes vary on the scholarships they distribute. Some tribes give $50 to their tribal members, others give full tuition, it all depends on the tribe. Likewise, some tribes have competitive scholarships and others offer non-competitive scholarships. Beyond tribal scholarships are scholarships offered by colleges and universities and non-profit organizations. Most of these will require proof of tribal enrollment in order to be eligible.

  5. I would second the suggestion to go to the BIA for information.  But I hope no matter what you ultimately find out you'll go to college either way.  Poverty sucks.  Trust me.

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