
How do i find out if im royalty?

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How do i find out if im royalty?




  1. Wait for Julie Andrews to show up at your front door. If she says she's your grandmother and wants to take you to her castle in some European city for a week, you're a prince.

  2. through your blood line and genalogy.

  3. trace your family lineage

  4. Family trees and stuff?

  5. Just assume you're not. I presume you're American. This limits your chances already. The British royal family do not just lose members and forget about them.

  6. Of course, there's always the pea under the stack of mattresses test!

  7. If you have to ask, then you aren't.

  8. Go to your local council and ask them about your family tree. Then study your family tree and see if you're a very distant relative of some medievil king. Perhaps you might just be the last living heir to the Russian Throne or something.

  9. If you're wondering, you're not.

    If you're a non-Catholic descendant of the Electress Sophia of Hanover, you could be in the line of succession but that wouldn't make you royalty.

  10. Try this website:

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