
How do i find out if the number 24 links to me?

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i really want to know? the only link i can find is my D.O.B does add up to it sort of (04/**/19**)




  1. rent the movie and follow the clues. But rent it on 09-07-08 and run it at 1am-you know 02400.

    See- there is 2 right there and I'm not even warmed up yet. You can run your tires soft at 24# Get a car that gets 24 MPG and has 24,000 miles on it. Move to apt 24 in a highrise with 24 floors.--See you can be considered a nut and get a gov check.  

  2. People see patterns in all kinds of things that aren't really there.

  3. 19+4=23???

    And anyone born in April during the 1900's could link themselves that way, so I don't see how 24 actually links to you.

  4. Funny thing you should ask that.

    The number 23 crops up in my life repeatedly, usually in connection with something good, e.g. I graduated when I was 23, I was looking for somewhere to live once and found a place on the 23rd of the month, etc.

    I'm sure it's nothing more than coincidence.

  5. haha good movie... anyhoo you can take things that relate to you and see if they relate to the number 23

  6. There are twenty four hours in your day. You were probably once twelve which is half twenty four. There are twenty four jellybeans in in the jar on your kitchen table (ooooh, spooky, how does mirriam know this? you ask)

    easy... count them.

    Someday, if you are lucky and you don't count on superstition too much, you may be twentyfour.

  7. If your not 24 yet, you will be linked to the number by becoming the age of 24 at one point in your life. ..

  8. Try This link.

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