
How do i find out my local emissions laws?

by  |  earlier

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I want to do some modifications to my car that would involve removing the pre cat but it is my daily driver so i need to keep it legal, i have heard all kinds of different opinions about this but i need to know for sure so who do i contact?




  1. check your dmv web site. if the vehicle is 1996 or up no conversion of emission is allowed

  2. Emissions standards are national, with some states having more extreme laws. California has more strict laws than other states. I don't know what a Pre-cat is, but you can't remove the catalytic converter. In California, you are not allowed to modify the exhaust or intake in any way with parts that are not C.A.R.B. approved. (California Air Resources Board) You can call the Dept. of Motor Vehicles in your state and they'll tell you what you can and can't do. They get these questions all the time. It's probably on their website, but the info is hard to fin d sometimes.

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