
How do i find out what city in san luis potosi mx a call originated from?

by Guest59571  |  earlier

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How do i find out what city in san luis potosi mx a call originated from?




  1. well simply see the area code like for example

    52-.- is the international number to call Mexico the Country

    after that you ´ll see the area code  in my case

    614  is for the City of Chihuahua, and after that you will find a 7 digits number...

    The Area code in mexico is called LADA and the code for San Luis Potosí City is 444

    But San Luis Potosí is also in the State of San Luis Potosi so here is a site where you can search for this lada code and find out where that call was made from:

    Just go to the buttom of this page and click where it says

    Listado de todas las claves lada de todo Mexico

    hope this can be helpful

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