
How do i find out what law goes to voting before its too late?

by Guest31600  |  earlier

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i watch the news,read the paper every day and i get frustrated over a lot of the laws they have or are trying to pass .thing is i tend to find out whats going on after the are 2 questions for ya.

#1where are the people who come up with these stupid things.(like banning novelty lighters)

everyone i talk to thinks its stupid.

#2 where do i go to vote for them?i never recieve anything in the mail,hear about it til its too late.

my point is that when a law is passed it seems the majority of the people disagree with how can a handful of people vote for a law and have it passed over a majority of people who think its stupid.




  1. This is a website that can help you find out about the state government in your state and the laws that are proposed and will be considered by your state representative.

    There is also information about the agencies and offices of the state government on this  site.  add info:




    For information about local ordinances and bylaws that may be proposed contact your City Clerk or Town Clerk. If you wish to participate in you city or town you can attend meetings that are open to the public, and you may even be able to express your opinion!!!!! (about 95% of  city and town meeting are open to the public)

    Your state government might have an official website. You can find out about state governent, proposed, law, proposed regulations of all sorts, thepublic hearing dates when new revisions in law and regulations are open for public comment.

    Check out this website:

    I hope this infromation is helpful to you!!!!

  2. Depends on where you live. I live in Vegas and they give out sample ballots here. They are Awesome!! It tells you what you will be voting on and gives what the law trying to get passed is about. It also has pros and cons biased opinions from the people for and against the issue. To get a law it differs depending on where you are. Here it goes something like this: It takes a group of people who want control over something, they form a committee and then they get a petition started. Once they have so many signatures they get it on a ballot. People vote on it. regardless of how it turns out the opposing people start a petition to change the vote. For those that make it they can go into the books once a few favors are passed in the political machine. People need to vote. People need to know where they are voting and they need to know what they are voting for and what the cause and effect of what they are voting for will be. There should be an election day holiday where ever one has the day off to vote as well.

  3. Elections laws are not disseminated to the people.  Thus, request the government about the rules on election in order not to be disenfranchised.

  4. There are laws about which the general public will not be enlightened. Many laws are passed which are on specialised subjects and the law makers are expected to consult the experts on the subject before bringing in any addition to the statute book. Of course, some law are passed by the politicians with an ulterior motive, which will be blatantly detrimental to the interest of the general public. There could  be some law which could generate much controversy, some sections opposing it and some more welcoming them. An ideal situation is when there is a healthy debate on any issue, which is going to come up for debated and legislation in the House. The Newspapers and the Electronic Media can debate and offer a platform for public exchange of views. The political class, without any prejudice, can arrive at decision, after sensing the mood of the people and ascertaining the will of the people.

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