
How do i find out who my ancestors are?

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is there any websites that u can find out more information on your family from centeries ago please help me i would really love to know.




  1. myspace.

  2. you can try, that is actually the most popular site there  in finding your ancestors but I wouldn't get my hopes too high, since there are a lot of people with similar names and ethnicity, and it will be difficult and confusing to find out who's related and who's not.

  3. Remember, you can NOT find ancestors from centuries ago until you verify your known ones.   For example, if you wanted to find out if you decend from Charlemagne.  You would have to trace each generation and verify that they are in fact your ancestor, before you move back another generation.  This is sometimes very difficult.  There is no magic potion and there is no magic website.   Sometimes it takes several years to move back ONE generation.  In order to do genealogy properly, one must document each finding.  There are many misconceptions about genealogy.  The first one is that everyones genealogy has been researched by the mormons and is online.  Do you think that this is reasonable?  The only person/people that have your EXACT family tree are your siblings, so unless one of them has already done your family tree, it is unlikely that you will find it in cyberland.  

  4. Do a search on the web, everyone has a cousin that they haven't seen in years who has done some of the research already. in a search engine type in

    (your last name)+genealogy

    you can also try

    (your last name)+family

    Good Luck

  5. The best thing to do is getting organized, start asking your family, name of grandmother, sisters, brothers etc. then start asking all your other relatives, especially the older ones and make a sort of family tree. When you do that, you will find empty spaces and know who and what to ask of your family members. You can also try archives, birth certificates, marriage licenses. You will find information there as well. Churches also have records. Gather as much info as you can, and when you finally get stuck, you can always pay for someone to find out more.

  6. Try going to

    Good Luck!

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