my mothers biological dad, well she does not know grandmother, says my brother and my mother look a lot like him. i'm curious to meet him. are there any websites, or places i can go? all i really want to do is email him. my step grandfather, he means a lot to me, i don't consider him step at all, i love him very much. but i am curious. i've heard, that he was never mean, and just suffered from mental problems. my grandmother had to leave him, becuase it just wasn't going to work out.
i want to see what he looks like, see if he does look like my brother and mother. i can't help but wonder, who is he? i know his full name, i just have no idea where he is, or for that matter if he's alive.
if he's dead, where can i check? if he's alive where can i check?
thanks! serious answers only!