
How do i find the WEPkey?....?

by  |  earlier

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i have an ipod touch and i want to use the internet on it.....but theres a password on the router and i dont noe the pass can i find it????.................please be very detailed =] thanks




  1. if u r using ur own router just check your network settings and you should be able to find the password. If its not ur router then ur neighbors r smart for password protecting.

  2. sorry miss but it is internet stealing yet and it wouldn't cause much of a difference. I believe the term is borrowing since the he wouldn't take it forever .... :)

    right listen here

    1. your ipod for internet will ask for a password

    2. the internet you are trying to access is protected with a Wepkey

    3.To find out the Wepkey- this is the problem if it is not yours you either have to go the house where the wireless is held from and look on there modem box and there should be like a sticker or something (probably on the back) saying the Wepkey number

    4. A WEPKEY is about 16 digits and letters long I think...

    good luck hope it helped

    and if it doesn't access your internet in a cafe or a McDonald's or some kinda restaurant they offer free internet

  3. Ask the person who own;s the router.  If that fails.  Pay for your own internet connection and wireless router.

  4. A WEP key must be set-up by the person who set-up your wireless internet. You should ask them to tell you what it is. You might also be able to find it written on the router as some System Admins will do this. Most of the time it is 10 characters but it can be more depending.`

  5. if you arent stealing the internet you should know!


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