
How do i find the address for criminals in texas

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only intelligent answers please.. i dont have time for the stupid humor. thanks




  1. Depends on what you are really asking for.  Do you want the website to see if someone has been arrested or the website for s*x offenders or do you just want to know where people live.  

  2. I am pretty sure you will find lots of them at the various prisons and jails in the state. So google the addresses of thoe and send stuff there.


  3. Great technology

  4. Just leave your doors unlocked, your blinds open and your lights on and they will find you.

    EDIT - Humor is all you have left us.  What are you talking about?  The list of registered s*x offenders?  Inmates in state prisons?  Persons in county jail awaiting trial?  Statistics, by zip code, of crime in Texas?

    YA = garbage in, garbage out.

  5. Bush lives on a ranch in Crawford Texas!

    Ask an intelligent question and I'm sure you'll get an intelligent answer!

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