
How do i find the balance in my life?

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Between friendship, family, work, & hobbies!




  1. great question. I found that even when taking time out for others if I don't spend time with myself everything within me goes wrong.  I personally need my space so that I can think and relax in order to enjoy others.  Try to sat certain dates for activities such as Saturday is family day, Wednesday we hang with some friends, Tuesday I have my relax day and Monday-Friday I work 40hr a week.  now thur out the week I spend time after work with my husband and kids and maybe my mom or sister some days but its nothing stressful or time consuming.  

  2. Im reading this really good book atm the Title alone says alot!

    "Dont sweat the small stuff, and its all small stuff"

    they give lots of good ideas how to change your day to day life to make the most of it yet hold balance! One tip i think everyone should take into consideration is an hour or two in the morning b4 you have to do anything important ....take this time to do something u want a book ...take  a Long shower and pamper yourself ...sit and read the whole newspaper ...this kind of time in the morning will help you start your day right and refreshed! knowing you already have done something you personally wanted b4 starting your day will give you the joy you need to face all the other things to come , and dont sweat the small stuff !

  3. I think the balance lays in your enjoyment level. To much of a good thing and it gets bland, to little and you get restless.

    So if you find you are having a good time, you might possibly be perfectly balanced in all areas!

  4. I'm not so sure it's reasonable to expect that you'll have perfect balance.  There's only one person who has ever walked the face of the earth whose life was in perfect balance and that was Jesus Christ - all the rest of us are sinful and we all tend to go from one extreme to the other to the other.  As a person gets closer to Jesus - then their life gets to be more in balance, but to a degree we all have imbalance in our lives, some more than others.  

    so if you surrender your frienships, family, work, and hobbies to Jesus - then there will be more balance, but to a degree you are probably always going to have some imbalance and that's something you'll probably have to learn to accept..

  5. tell me about what i can do to help  

  6. I do like this first answer !

    First help yourself to be and stay strong and only then can you be what you want to be to others. Feed yourself good thoughts and this will help you be instead of doing everything.

    I suggest you get yourself this very helpful book that is personalized just for you with your name throughout.  Full of positive and encouraging daily affirmations about YOU.

    It has helped me tremendously in my everyday life. Very powerful way to stay focused.  You can get one at the site below in the source line.

    It is great !  It will keep you focused on your life.  I love mine !

  7. That is a question every working mother struggles with every day. Basically you have to prioritize and remember to find time for yourself and your interests.  

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