
How do i fit in at high school?

by Guest33141  |  earlier

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I am going into high school and i need advise on how to stick up 4 myself without looking like an idiot




  1. my advice for you is to stay out of all the drama

  2. Sometimes it is hard to fit in at high school, but you will get there. I know it! It is always nice to make new friends. Your question made me remember kindergarten. It was horible. So just be yourself. And here is a tip. DO NOT GET DRUGS!

  3. hm... well act nice and talk to people to make friends...i had to do that and it worked well for me

  4. Like Kim said, stay out of all the drama. Spreading rumors, joining groups and cliques that are s****. and rude to others, and goofing off will definitely make you unpopular and high school difficult for you. I just finished my Freshman year, I knew nobody because I came from a different district. I now have a lot of friends because I was nice to everyone, never made fun, and did all of my work and listened to my teachers.

    As for sticking up for yourself, remember: you decide how you feel and your opinion of yourself is the only one that matters. To avoid bullies, stay away from people and groups who you think you'll have a problem with. If someone is bullying you then you have to be brave and stick up for yourself. Tell a teacher or counselor. Your friends will also help you.

    Friends sort of just happen. You usually get acquainted with your fellow peers in each class you have. Some might have a similar schedule as you. After a couple months you'll be in with some nice people and start to enjoy your school year more. It took me till the second semester to make friends, but now I think I have some pretty nice ones. :)

    Last year at this time I was panicking as if at the moment I stepped in to a building with 600 kids in my grade, not to mention the other three grades, when I knew no one and came from a school with 10 8th graders I would immediately be scorned an laughed at. I was scared stiff, but no harm came to me. All will be fine.

    And if for some reason, all isn't fine and you find yourself with the wrong crowd or in distress every day, get out of the groups you're in and ask a parent, teacher, or counselor for help.

    Good Luck!!! You'll be fine.

  5. #1.this is in the wrong section. just need to be yourself. if you try to be all fake and c**p, nobody will like you.

    #3.don't worry about what others think of you. as long as you are happy with yourself and your friends, why does it matter what others think?

    #4.don't let upperclassmen push you around. it's immature, so you need to be the bigger person. if they say something to you that is offensive, just say "ok" , smile, and walk away. it'll drive them crazy.

    #5.try to be in an activity, band(might be too late for you, so maybe try colorguard), join a club, a sport, etc. outgoing, but DON"T be cocky.

    #7.enjoy your freshman year. it's not as bad as everyone says it is!!

  6. Why are you asking this in the Performing Art section?

    First off open up and don't be afraid to talk to anyone. If you don't like the first person, you can always move on to the next.

  7. In high school there seems to be less problems with "enemies", primarily due to the fact that everyone grows up out of the adolecent age. Most everyone will become mature by your junior year, so just hang though the first two years.

  8. Well, no words can really help you out here, its all about the living experience.    You learn to be tough, and how to stand up for yourself.   I guess what I can tell you is this for sure:   Dont get into gossip, it will always come back to bite you in the booty,   dont get caught up witht he "popular" girls, they are all fake and end up pregnant at 16 anyway.   Dont let anyone intimidate you just because they got a circle of friends.

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