
How do i fix a slice when i am driving?

by  |  earlier

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i constantly slice the ball to the right when i am driving....can anyone give me some ideas of what could be changed to stop this?




  1. on the back swing, open your the bottem right b4 impact...flip them

    also check your swing plane...the flater it is, the more likley 2 hook

    their are alot of ways 2 swing a golf club...all u have 2 do is find somthing that puts the face square at impact

    i knew a guy who almost made the pga, i told him the 1st time i met him "mister thats 1 of the ulgiest motions ive ever seen"he just laughed at me

  2. well to fix your slice you just have to practice and be patient and experiment with little things that work for you. but for starters on your downswing try making sure the logo on your glove (if you wear one, if not the bak or your hand) is facing the target when you meet the ball. this promotes a square clubface at contact. that was a big thing for me that helped me get rid of mine. and always be sure to keep your body going forward thru the ball and not falling bak on your bak foot. this can lead to an open face at contact. you drive with your body not your arms remember that. and at adress if you turn your club more inward thinking that this will help close your club face, its not always true. bc if its too closed then this can also cause a slice. jus practice and it will go away. good luck and i hope this mite help you

  3. All of the ideas in the world will not fix a swing flaw because we can't see which particular flaw or flaws that are causing your slice....Best advice......Lessons from a pro and practice.

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