
How do i fix my problem of not being able to communicate.?

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i have a real problem with communicating. My boyfriend and i have been together for 4 years now and for like the past year i havent had alot to say . opinions and discussions dont just pop into my head. He has tried to get me to open up and i try to think of things to talk about but it just doesnt work in my head. Sometimes i feel as though i was born without opinions and a personality. I feel very disconnected with everyone i come in contact to. I never have anything to say to anyone. not just my boyfriend but anybody. I dont know what to do or how to fix it. I dont know if its something that both me and my man can work on or if its a lost cause. I really dont want my communcation problem to break my boyfriend and i up after being together for so long and having a hard time to get where we are. I dont want to end it b/c i want to work on it. I dont want to loose him. I dont really feel all that good about myself. I feel a sad and depressed . i just want to be one of the girls who are always laughing and having a good time and always have something to say in a conversation. i feel dumb sometimes because i never have anything to contribute to a conversation... IM STUCK. ive tried being on anti depressants and they made me feel really weird and even more disconnected with myself and others. I've been really emotional and anything can make me cry. i am on depo-provera & i know that messes with ur emotions, but i know that cant be the only thing. can anyone give me some advice?? i dont want to loose my boyfriend. i know hes sad b/c he feels distant from me b/c of lack of communication... help me please!!!






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