
How do i fix some deep scratches on the base of my skis?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know if a regular tune up at a shop will take care of those.




  1. Depending on how "deep". Smaller surface gouges can be taken care of usually with a base flattening...and they don't affect the ski that much anyways.

    But if it is a definite deep gouge, a shop can fill it. In fact, shops can repair just about anything, although it would be a little more expensive than a regular tune.

    It is possible to fill them yourself, but I have never had any luck with that. The Petex always comes out.

  2. Any professional top quality shop should be able to repair the scrathches. If they are deep gouges down to the core material(commonly called a core shot) then a base weld may be required.  I personally will never try to repair a scratch in my equipment, I just don't have the skill.  I've tried a few times but the fill seem to come loose after a couple of days skiing.  Good luck and have a good season.  Jim.

  3. You'll want to make sure your ski shop does p-tex. Ask them f they can repair your bases, they should be able to if they're any good

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