
How do i fix the bad luck given by a broken mirror?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Pray to the Flying Spaghetti Monster for forgiveness. Broken mirror = lost money for a new sorta bad luck. Otherwise the only bad luck you'll get is the stuff you percieve happed because of the broken real connection sorry.

  2. you put a bowl of water in the place where you broke the mirror for an hour without the surface of the water moving and then you take it away and pour it out somewhere and the bad luck goes too

  3. Instilling good practices of contributing to charity would also help in a way. Doing charity is a method of repaying for bad luck like breaking a mirror. Charity can be in the form of doing social work, visiting old folks home to make old people happy, feeding the orphans and contributing money to hospitals etc.........................

  4. thank you for the points I get before your questions get deleted.. ( I got many with yourt help)

  5. One of the main reasons mirrors are considered bad luck when because back in the hey days it took 7 years to make a mirror.  So when it broke, people thaught they would have 7 years of bad luck.

    REPLACE IT WITH A NEW ONE, MAYBE LARGER.  At least, thats what I've been told.  I freaked when I broke mine, but didn't do anything, cause I'm really not that superstitious anymore.  Everything in life is all relative.

    Your thaughts are powerful, so if you believe you have bad luck then you will.  If you don't, then you won't!!!!

    hope that helped,

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