
How do i follow up after emailing my resume..i don't have their phone number PLEASE HELP~?

by  |  earlier

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My problem is i can't find a phone number for a couple of jobs i applied to. I have their email and fax number. But how do i follow up on my resume in this situation? Should i just email them or fax...and what should i ask???





  1. I am an assistant and our small office just went through a hiring process for a receptionist. We only took resumes by email, and also did not give out a phone number. I understand how frustrating it can be to not have a phone number to contact the company at. The response to our job post was overwhelming, and our office cannot deal with the number of phone calls from applicants and still service our clients, so we did not include a phone number.

    Out of 50+ applicants by email, only one sent a second email confirming that we received her resume and cover letter and letting us know that if we had any questions we could contact her. This made a BIG impression, and she was one of the 8 people that we decided to interview, and ended up being one of our top 3.

    I would suggest your definitely email them, just to confirm, and make yourself available for an interview, or any follow up questions they may have. Even if you found a telephone nuber, if the company did not puclish it in the job post, do not call. It is disruptive to the business, and they have a good reason not to want to answer calls from applicants.  Email is perfect, if that is what the company requested.  

  2. you better find the number, that the only way

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