
How do i found out if my moped is impounded.?

by  |  earlier

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Because it is at a friends house that we had a party at and the cops busted it for drugs and alchol, so im scared to go back.




  1. you weren't scared to be at a party you knew was wrong, but you're too scared to go look for your property...grow up and look for it or call the police dept...

  2. Mopeds are cool...if this was 1984

  3. If you're worried about the cops trying to connect you by calling them then just drive by house.  They're not going to keeping watch on it.  They have much better things to be doing.  If it's there, get it.  If it's not then they probably took it.  Although if they want to find out who the owner is all they would have to do is run the plate.

  4. This question has fail written all over it.

  5. Aks de man behin' de desk.  If he say, "yeah", it be impoundet.  If he say "no", it still be at yo' frient house.

  6. The LOCAL POLICE impounded it..

    Not rocket science here

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