
How do i gain information on opening a senior citizen center/ nursing home?

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How do i gain information on opening a senior citizen center/ nursing home?




  1. You could try visiting a few and try to get the managers to talk with you.

  2. You have to locate the licensing division for this wherever you live and they will have instructions.  Entering something like State of ____________ health and human services on Google is always a good way to start.

  3. Opening a nursing home (unless you are a multimillionare) is a bad idea. You have to hire management companies and meet very strict regulations. It would cost millions of dollars to even start up operation.

    A senior activities day center - for healthy seniors would be a good idea and wouldn't cost too much to start. Keep in mind, most of these programs are funded through donations and volunteers. A Council on Aging program in your area might be able to help with some ideas.

  4. This is from square 1:

    Otherwise, I'd have to agree with Nicole.


  5. Depending on which state you live, each senior healthcare community (assisted living & nursing home) is licensed by The Agency for Healthcare Administration (ACHA) for that particular state.  Depending on the state regulations and laws, you have to meet every rule the state requires in order to get licenced, not to mention any additional laws the particular county and city of that state requires for operating said property.  Most states have a state website  that you can download all materials, which include state regulations and application, needed to apply for licensure.  If you go on your particular state's website and search ALF or Skilled Nursing Facility your should be directed to the info you need.

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