
How do i gain speed in my arm for baseball

by  |  earlier

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I am a pitcher & i pitch around the mid 70's. I wanna atleast get it up in the 80's. So what kind of things can i do to help my arm get that extra 5mph?




  1. Being a coach, I make my players work out a good bit, do rubber band work, and long toss two or three days a week. (Three at the most) Also, swimming is VERY good for your arm and will also strengthen the tendons and all the muscles in your arm. Also, work on your core (Abs, obliques, lower back, etc.), this will help also. When working out, do a good bit of dumbbell work. This will also help what we call stablalizing muscles.  But, if nothing, long toss, long toss, long toss.

  2. start jacking off with your pitching arm.  

  3. You can ask someone who can actually see you in person and quit coming in here and bragging. No one is impressed or cares.

    PS, this guy went into one of my questions and actually wrote "your retarted"

    I kid you not.

  4. Work out. Mainly squat and bench. Do some long toss. See a private coach and work on your form.

  5. hiiii!

    hey u know that buzz whatever, i really think hes retarded.

    cuz ur not bragging at all. btw.

    did u see his questions?

    'im 13 and i throw 98 mph and people say i throw really hard...

    and i look and see 15 year olds say they can throw 35-40??

    are they lying? cus these ppl have to be. i also hit 50 home runs

    this year. am i great? am i great? am i great? am i great?

    pls tell me how great i am.'

    lol its just funny reading his answer over and over again, its just so dumb :]

  6. just doing alot of long toss with a crow hop, just see how far you can throw the ball repeatedly, til your arm gets sore and you want it sore in the muscle's not the joints, and do it every other day. or once ever 3 days if you still feel some soreness after 48 hours. all this leg c**p people talk about won't make a noticible difference in velocity, as long as your legs already function properly now. athletic  power comes from your legs but mph comes from how fast you can move your arm from the cocking point to the relese point which really has very little to do with rather or not you have weak legs or body builder legs if you have a strong arm.

  7. try pushing off the mound harder with a longer stretch and good follow through

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