
How do i gain the confidence when driving a car on my own on the road?

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i have a car a few months now and i can drive but i'm terrified on the road and i need to overcome the fear.




  1. Practice.....

  2. Making numerous trips without hitting anything will boost

    your confidence.  Make it your goal to avoid hitting things.

  3. Practice.  Feel the fear and do it anyway and with time the fear will go away.  If you're not afraid, you are foolish.  Cars can kill people and it is best to never forget that and drive as if you realize that fact.  Be careful and cautious always, even when you finally have enough practice to get confident.  NEVER GET TOO CONFIDENT.

    I don't agree that you should get into accidents on purpose!!  Accidents will happen eventually and everyone has experienced a fender bender or two without every trying to do that.  Be careful out there but remember that no matter how careful you are, you will still have dents eventually.  Cars are dangerous and they are huge responsibilities!

  4. I had the same problem when I first started driving.  You need to believe in yourself.  If you tell yourself you are terrified before you even start driving, then you will be terrified.  You need to believe that you CAN and WILL be a good driver.  Eventually, you will become more comfortable driving with experience.  But what you need to try and overcome and stop the feelings of fear; this will only make you a more nervous, ineffective driver.  I know, easier said, than done but you will be fine.  Try not to let fear consume you.

  5. Bang it a few times but not too hard and know its okay to bang cars. Everybody does. :)

  6. I would suggest practice.  Maybe drive through uncrowded areas like a suburb or rural area and work your way into areas that you feel uncomfortable driving.  Figuring out exactly which aspects of driving make you nervous may be helpful as well.

    If the fear is crippling and makes you unable to perform tasks that you must perform (like going to work), I would suggest seeking professional help.

    You can do it!  Good luck!

  7. close your eyes.

  8. Practice practice practice. I was terrified when I first go my permit and I will probably be terrified when I get my license this summer. However, I know I am a good driver and I believe in myself. All you have to do.

  9. i have driven through a cematary about a dozen of times and that helps alot.

  10. Step 1:

    Pinpoint what is causing your anxiety. Are you new to driving? Were you recently in a car accident? Do you simply not trust your driving skills? Once you have figured out the root of your worry, seek help that can help your way of thinking. If it's emotional scars, consider getting help from a therapist.

    Step 2:

    Get in your car and get comfortable. Adjust the seat, mirrors and anything else that may make you uneasy. Being comfortable is very important in overcoming the fear of driving. Once you are relaxed behind the wheel, even if the car is off, that's a step in the right direction.

    Step 3:

    Ask a friend to join you in your car. With a friend in the car, they can help you relax even further. Anything you can do to cut the tension is good when overcoming the fear of driving.

    Step 4:

    Turn down any music. Loud music can be a distraction when driving. Until you are comfortable behind the wheel again, keep the volume down. If you prefer listening to music, listen to music that makes you feel peaceful.

    Step 5:

    Take small steps. The first time you get in the car, just drive around the block. Next time, you can drive a few miles and then return. Build up your endurance as you feel more comfortable. Take your time and don't force yourself to drive far until you are totally relaxed behind the wheel.

    Step 6:

    Get instruction from a professional driving school, if you can't overcome your fears on your own. Many driving schools specialize in working with fearful drivers.

  11. start driving ti places inside ur town like the store.or go drive around with friends.

  12. You reminded me of me when I first had my Probation Driving licence last time. I did too had a few scratches, hit-and-run, etc. But after going to the Capital City of Kuala Lumpur, where everything is acceptable, today not just I dare to drive alone, I also know how to drift, drag-race, and even repair my own car!

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