
How do i get Birth control ?

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I asked my mom but she flipped out shouldn't she be happy i wanna protect myself if i do have s*x but i really want birth control how doi get some?




  1. OK first mistake. you shouldn't be having s*x now UNTIL you get on birth control, she will really flip out if you got pregnant.  

    Secondly, you should listen to your mother, but if you are over 16  

    ( which is consenting age), then you need to make an appointment with a GYN or your local health department.    

    If you are under 15, your too young to have s*x and someone will have to take you somewhere.  Ask your school nurse, otherwise its just condoms.    And I will tell you first hand seeing pregnant teens all the time, condoms break !!   Condoms are not great for an ONLY form of control.  You need TWO types , condoms and get yourself on birth control, or you don't have s*x, bottom line.  

    GOOD Luck.  

  2. You have to go to a doctor!

  3. If mom won't let you (which is sad in a way), you'll have to avoid certain things.  There are 2 things in the air that have been know to make people pregnant...       your feet.

    Safe s*x is more than just pills.

  4. make an appointment at planned parenthood and say you want to get an exam in order to get birth control. they will ask you for your name and phone number and at that point you can make an appointment. once you go for your appointment you fill out alot of forms and you can choose to not have them contact you or send advertisements so your parents won't know. also you can say that you don't want to pay with insurance and you  want to pay with cash (or check, credit, or debit). depending on the location if you are under 18 then it is free, if you are over 18 i think its $25. they bring you in and prick your finger for a blood test and then you get a pap smear and std test (they aren't that bad). then they give you three months worth of birth control and they tell you to come back after three months and they will refill you. it is not scary at all and the people there are very nice. if you do get nervous bring a friend. its ultimately your decision if you want to have s*x or not and i applaud you for being safe and opting for birth control. however, always use a condom with birth control pills until you've taken it for 3 months (my husband and i got pregnant from taking the pill for 8 days and now i'm 6 weeks pregnant), make sure you don't miss a pill, and don't take antibiotics or st.johns wort while on the pills. good luck!

  5. Funny, you just asked a question sasying that your mum would allow you to have a co ed sleepover.

    Not a "sleepover" anymore is it ?

  6. Girl, You need to go to your OB and get them or go a clinic and I'm glad that you want to protect your self here and I got a daughter and I will put her on the pill when its time!

  7. take ipill (a medicine name) that will help you to stop your pregnancy


  8. I got mine through the doctor when I was 14 because I had VERY irregular periods. My younger sisters both got theirs through the doctor around the ages of 14 also but they went on it because they had bad acne. It's not hard to get.

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