
How do i get a 4 year old to potty train?

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How do i get a 4 year old to potty train?




  1. Well do not just take away the diapers.  By this age I would suspect your child is asking you to change them.  When they ask do not do it right away.  Let them stay in the wet dirty diaper a good long while.  And even if they beg you to change them just put it off.  And then when you do give in make them bring you a diaper and take their pants off them selves.  That will get them involved in the process.  And start to take responsibility.  Then you can think about taking away the diapers.

  2. man i was potty trained before i was 1....4 is really going overboard

  3. Communicate.... I have a six year old and a two year old.... communicate communicate communicate....treat basket, things movie night...reward reward reward.

  4. I have to agree! 4 years old?? Mine just turned 2 and is trained.. Where were you??

    But first off I gave her 1 jelly bean every time she used it.. It worked. And we made a game out of it we said, and waived bye to her stuff as we flushed it.

  5. Usually boys take longer. You just have to keep working at it. We used to ask are daughters or son every hour and sometimes put them on the potty anyways, mostly when we thought that it was time.

    Also don't use diapers anymore. This way it will cause a mess and your daughter/son might realize quicker that it's more difficult changing clothes instead of going on the potty and getting back to playing.

    Anyway good luck and keep at it. If you stop they will too.


  7. Stop buying diapers.  Put the child in panties/underwear and when they wet themselves, remind him/her that the urine/poo should have gone into the toilet.  Have the child clean up the mess and put on new dry clothing.

    Good Luck

  8. Why are you just now training your child?

    2 years old is the age to start potty training.

    Even 1 is a great age to potty train.

    Thats kind of late.

    So your child is still walking around in diapers and training pants and is soon to start preschool?

    Thats pushing it.

    Your child is late.2 years old people or even 1 is the age to potty train unless your child is mentally retarded or autistic.

    Give rewards.Candy, 25 cent toys in the plastic bubbles, hugs,kisses,hand claps,etc.

  9. ok, if they havnt ever tried than ask them if they need to go? if they do take them to the potty. if they make it be sure to say" good job"or"ur a big boy/girl". or you could even give them like a treat(sticker,sucker) i am not a mother but there is this show called SWuper Nanny and i have watched this too many times with my mom.there is one that shows you how to.You should proboly check youtube or something.

  10. my son was four when I finally got him to use the potty but he had neurological problems but what I did with my child was let him use the big potty for some reason he did not like his potty. He did not drink anything two hours before his bed time and I would just keep on and on telling him over and over how proud I was of him. We also had a lot of things that changed in his life too. I was young and then I finally moved out on my own at that time my mother and my step father separated too all in this time which the doctor also said help to make it harder to potty train because sometimes children have to deal with change in there life too. IT is hard but be persistent about it and buy nice undies too like a favorite character for the child that you know your child likes and tell your child not to pee pee on the character. This stuff worked for me. My second Child was three and all it took for him was me putting him into school and telling him that he was going to school like his big brother and he has to be a bi boy now that he is going to school and that worked for him. just remember that each child is different and I hope that this will help you in some way. Good Luck

  11. My daughter (2 1/2 yo) has responded well to m&m's.  I separate 6 of each color and put them in little snack size baggies.  When she "goes" I let her choose which color she wants.

  12. Well, I'm still a kid, but what I recommend is to tell your four year old to tell you when he's ready to go potty. Then you can both go to the bathroom, and wait until she/he is ready.

  13. FOUR YEARS OLD! What took you so long, that should have started when he/she was two.

    What you have to do is make them feel like a big boy, when they potty. Make a big deal about it, clap, hung, the whole nine yards.

    Make sure every twenty minutes you ask them if they have to potty. If they potty in their pants without telling you, then you sit them on the toilet right away, and they get a hit on the hand.

    A four year old should learn very quickly, I would guess they are sick of sitting in their own sh** and p**s.

  14. All children are different and develop at different times, however 4 is quite old so you will have to be firmer with your child than you would be with a two year old. Put pants on them during the day and if he/she soils them they will realise how uncomfortable that is and shoud begin to want to use the potty. Plenty of praise too.

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