
How do i get a blood stain out of a cotton shirt?

by  |  earlier

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it' been about a month and i haven't washed it yet so i don't know what to do would letting it sit in bleach do the trick?

also i don't know how to use the washer machine?

you see my mom always washes my stuff for me and i kinda can't let her wash the shirt becuase then i would have to explain why the stain is there and i really don't wanna do that!




  1. uh-uh What are they from??did you cut yourself? if you did well ok i do that, but just get rid of the shirt and if she asks where it is say you have no clue. Just get rid of it!

  2. A month, hmm. Use peroxide. Try not to wait a month next time.

  3. Why is the stain there? Letting it sit in bleach should do it, but not straight bleach or it will turn yellow, mix half bleach and half water, that should do.

  4. Cod water if you haven't already tried worm if so bleach and that still my not work

  5. buy a new shirt and dump the body in international waters

  6. Hydrogen Peroxide

    - You can get it at any store by the toothpaste and brushees

  7. peroxide. let it soak on there, it will bubble up, keep pouring it on and let it soak.. rub it under some COOL water while rubbing the stain together...  if it doesn't completely come out, put more of the peroxide.

  8. haha .

    well that sucksss .

    use tide to go .

    or just say you got a mosquitoe bitee & u picked it and it started bleeding and got all on your shirt .

  9. Use "Stain Stick". You can get it an most any stores. Rub it on and let it sit for a day, then soak in cold water before you wash. That will get it out for sure. Used the same system myself a few times.

  10. Bleach, stain remover, click the nob to ultra clean put in a scoop of getergent, pull nob

  11. Fill up your sink with cold water, maybe drop in a ice cube or two and soak the shirt for an hour or two. When I was a mechanic I was always cutting myself and blood usually came out for me that way.

  12. So..last 4 yrs ago..I had the same accident that I suspect you are talking about? I had my first period and I got a huge stain on my cute white shirt.

    IMAGINE..BIG BLOT OF BLOOD..and everyone was laughing at me..NOT WITH me..OMG..thanks for the memory lol..

    SO..being a wizard in science I found out how to take the stain out..WITHOUT anyone knowing or doing my laundry. is the TOP to get blood out:

    Read on.

    (Old Remedy that works) Hydrogen Peroxide. Pour peroxide directly onto blood stain ..You will see peroxide bubble lifting the the red/rust color. Usually you need have to apply more than one to to stained area. I have found it works best if blood has not set on material for great length of time. Also if stain spot has been treated with other chemical it may not be as successful. Good Luck !

  13. try soaking it in cold water, then put some bleach in with it that should get the stain out

    im not sure though cuz its been a month

  14. I would try hydrogen peroxide...put it on there before you wash and let it should come right out.

  15. Bleach is good, apply it directly to the stain.  Scrub it with a stiff brush (with gloves)  Bleach is a strong base and can burn! , and rinse.   My magical cure all for every type of stain is OxyClean!  After bleach and rinse, apply a scoop of Oxyclean to the stain, use a little water and scrub with the brush, (on inside and outside of shirt) then put it in the washing machine (basically use the cold cycle and put it on heavy wash)with other whites.  Add bleach and Oxyclean to the load.  When you dry, use the low setting (so as not to shrink the cotton).  Hope this helps!

  16. did you murder someone

  17. Why don't you ask your mother to help you wash it?

    You could also take it to the dry cleaners.

  18. hydrogen peroxide

  19. if it white let it sit in bleach if not wash it by handwith soap  were the blood stain is and then put in the machine.then u added soap in the machine then it would ask 4 liquid soap again then it would ask u 4 farbic softner

  20. you dont


  22. Usually, when there is a blood stain you have to react immediatly to insure that the stain would be out.

    You soak it in cold water, and put bleach on it.

    If you don't know how to use a washing machine, and live by yourself maybe next time you see your mom ask her for tips and then you can wash it then.

  23. Not sure on this but if you wash the shirt with a pre treatment of mild vinegar (water it down a bit and let it soak for 15 mins)

    I am so unsure of this but its worth a bash if all else fails



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