
How do i get a budgie into a nesting box?

by  |  earlier

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I recently caught my budgies having s*x, so i went out and got them a nesting box, because i don't want her to lay the eggs while she's on a perch and crack the eggs like some of them.

She is untame and bites really hard, and I already tried putting millet in the circle leading to the nesting box but it didn't work




  1. i would tame her if i were you, it makes working with her much easier, also a budgie will only try out a nesting biox if she is comfortable and likes it, if she doesnt like it, it may take awhile check out for good tips on how to train your bird goodluck!

  2. You have to give them time to adjust to it, they should figure it out pretty quickly. You will also want to give them nesting materials because just an empty wooden box isn't much of a nest either. You could try to encourage them by lining the bottom of the nest box with some sort of bedding, shredded paper or carefresh would probably be best. It will get them going in the right direction.

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