
How do i get a deviantart avatar?

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if i need to go on a certain site, please give me the link.




  1. You can use any image that is 50x50 pixels, and can upload it as your avatar under 'Edit Settings & Profile' > 'Identity'.

  2. If you have photoshop, open the image you want as your avatar.  Shape it into a perfect square by cropping it.  You can use the rectangle select  tool and holding down control.  Then shrink it down to 50 x 50 pixels using edit>canvas size.  Then go to the Save as Web Graphic tool and reduce the file size until it is under 15kb (you can see this size at the bottom of the window).  Then you just upload it onto deviant art under the Deviantart Related catagory.  Hope this helps, good luck.

  3. Michael described a good way to get the image itself, but Kat is right about what to do when you want to get the image as your avatar (you don't upload it to dA as a deviation, you set it in your settings using a "browse" button/path bar).

    There is really no specific site to get avatars from, besides whatever image/images you decide to use.  I've always made my own avatar using my own artwork which is edited in Photoshop and it's partner program Image Ready (since my avatars are animated).

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